第80章 岭南觅儿

作者: 却握

  “Chenchen, how big this year?”志龙用英文问着晨晨。

  “I am four years old this year.”晨晨用流利的英文回答着志龙。

  “Well... Let's make friends.”

  “Brother, you are my sister boyfriend .right?”我们听着晨晨的问题都很震惊,心想这孩子怎么知道的。

  “How do you know?”志龙惊讶地问着晨晨。

  “Because I h**e a thousand mile eye。”晨晨开玩笑道,我们都被他这话逗笑了。

  “Boy, call me brother.I'll give you a lollipop”太阳让晨晨叫自己哥哥。

  “Brother.I don't eat lollipop lollipop, sister said teeth will be bitten by insect。”晨晨说自己不要棒棒糖。

  “Chenchen, brother to the play。”胜贤拍着手对晨晨说。

  “No, I want to talk to this handsome brother play。”晨晨拒绝道。

  “I am not handsome?”胜贤问道。

  “Handsome! However, you do not h**e this brother handsome.”晨晨指着志龙对胜贤说,志龙得瑟得看着胜贤。




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